Son Hak

In my writing of this wonderful anime/manga I’ve re-watched and re-read and I found myself loving it just as much as the first time. With strong backstory and characters you really can’t go wrong with watching this anime. Also I found that I indeed have the biggest 2D infatuation on my last entry of this series.


Hak Rain

I’m actually finding this entry really hard to start! I’ve done a lot of thinking and research (don’t worry it wasn’t just looking for picture of him) and this is the entry I’ve been looking forward to the most yet dreading the most as to what to say about this character.

Hak Gaze

He is the adopted grandson of the chief of the wind tribe Son Mundok and at a young age rose in rank and at the start of the anime he is a general and the chief of the wind tribe. Although I was always a bit confused on how he could be both since it seems like he spent most of his time at the castle.

At first he isn’t really impressed by King Il and thinks that his ideals are silly at best. However, Hak one day got to see a side of the King that no one else will probably ever know or understand. The king stopped a blade with his bare hand and made no complaint. Just smiled.

From then one the King had Hak’s loyalty and Hak vowed to protect the princess.

Hak Arrow

At the start of the journey Yona was basically helpless and once Hak was severely injured that was her turning point and the start of her own personal journey to improve and grow stronger.

Hak Shield

This was very frustrating for Hak he wanted Yona to use him, “Keep your mouth shut and hang on, Princess. Think of me as a tool. Use me so that you can live! That’s what I’m here for!” This was his understanding of his new job. Just to keep her safe and still in her bubble.

She is a princess and he had a vow to keep.

He doesn’t like the fact that she makes her own vow. To protect him.

Hak tongue

He is the first reason. The reason they travel all over the country to gather the dragons. She sees how hard he fights and his willingness to die for her. So she decides to get others to protect him.

He has really unique relationships with all the dragons. I really enjoy him and the white dragons interactions also the green dragon…. (Any ships sailing there there?)

Hak Bye
“I don’t swing that way pal”

This is a bit of a source of humor with the dragons. Especially the white dragon. Hak is just as strong as they are, but she wants them to protect him.

Hak fighting

But he still follows her.

She asks him for training and he refuses at first because the king never liked weapons and after all he was there to protect her. Finally he agrees to help her learn to shoot and makes an off comment to Yona that his men would start off shooting 200 arrows a day but that she wouldn’t be able to.

So every night she does just that.

He jokes with her about her shooting and then asks her to shoot him.

Hak Silly

He is trying to prove a point that she is unable to take a life. He is still fighting to save the old Yona and to protect the King’s wishes.

Then he stops trying to hold her back even though there are some cases where he wants to. He lets her grow.

Hak worried

But he never stops her. Hak always lets her know that she is taking risks when she shouldn’t, but he never holds her back because she is a woman or a princess.

I think that is one of his best attributes. He shows his belief in her and what she can become.

There are many things that I can say about this character. Mischievous, loyal, funny, strong… etc… We can go on all day, but in the end he is always there for her.


One of my favorite parts is this scene. Where he tells her that he doesn’t want to hide her away, but he wants to show the world the princess who cut her hair and who grew so strong. To show the world that she is fierce and loving and loyal.

There friendship is something I think everyone desires. That mutual trust.

Sometimes it can be hard to watch since we all know that Hak has feelings for Yona, but he never admits them to her. We do however get the honey scene… Heh… (let me silent my squeeing for a bit)


The Thunder/Lightning Beast. Loyal friend and shield. He will continue to follow Yona and to see more of their relationship… Well, you may just have to read the manga ;). Meanwhile here is some fan-service….

Hak Fan service

Even if you are not a fan of romance, that really isn’t what this anime is about. It is/has always been about the characters and how they have grown and changed and it is really amazing to watch.

So I hoped you enjoyed my series!

Happy watching!



Also I’ve included a picture that I commissioned from one of my students from my favorite moment in the anime. It is the first picture I hung up in my office :).



Author: kimchisama

Anime for the soul.

19 thoughts on “Son Hak”

  1. Everytime I read a scene in the manga involving Hak and Yona, I would always have a hard time containing my *fangirl* squealing! Hak is such a great character in this series. Dark Dragon / Thunder beast = perfect husbando material! what more can you ask for with this character ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! hahaha sorry I LOVE Son Hak! ❤️ Okay I just want to say that I started this manga due to one of your dragon posts… I’m reading vol 4 where Hak and Gija are sparring back and forth and just showed how equal and badass they are… I wasn’t really a fan on vol. 1 and 2 was only mildly better, but I hung in there due to your obvious fandom love and I’m so glad I did! I think I’m going to really, really love this series. Thanks so much for sharing! Eventually I’ll get to the anime, hopefully if I can find it. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m so glad I’ve inspired you to read it! Yes, it does start out a bit rough, but Gosh it is so good and I wait and wait for the next chapters lol. I think the anime is still on crunchyroll and also hulu. I noticed that each translation is a bit different too. The names always have two different spellings for some of the characters.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Hak really is the perfect husbando character!! I’m addicted — I seriously count down days between chapters. I love that this manga continually shows real progress, but they still drag out the gratification. I’m really curious how long they can do that for.

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