A year with a bowl of Kimchi

This is a strange date for me since Kimchisama wasn’t my first wordpress account. In wordpress years I’m a bit older but in Kimchi years I just turned one.


So welcome to a year in a life of me!


It is interesting to look back on my year. When I first started this blog I did it for my creative writing II students. I had them make a blog and I made one along with them. Mostly to help them with any pitfalls along the way. Then I found amazing people and you all got stuck with me…

Anime Review

My first post haha and good old Future Diary became the very first anime I talked about. Wow have things changed and got a lot more random…

I noticed I started to focus my blog posts more on character. This is something that I’ve cared about with writing and since I don’t think I’m great with reviews I’ve enjoyed pointing out certain strengths and weaknesses in character development.

A Father’s LoveA Father’s Love


Do Sunglasses Count?

A Debt Paid

These were a bit about character but my favorites will always be the ones where I mentioned each Yona of the Dawn characters. I had such a fun time writing about them and all their unique personalities!

Growing up – Fighting Back- A Badass Woman

The warmth in silence

Responsibility – Duty – Honor

I will take my freedom

“What a pain!”

I removed my heart.

Son Hak

Man that was fun and I almost want to do it with another anime. Hmmm.

So this blog journey has been great. I’ve gotten to interact with so many different people online and found a truly supportive group of people. Part of me wishes that I was better at making connections through messenger but also I’m a bit of a weirdo…

My blog post that had the most views was

Thank You Followers/My Reasons Why Award

This really warms my heart and I find myself going though some of your posts and holding tightly to your reasons. Your reasons for living helped me in more ways that you will ever know. The honestly and rawness would always bring tears to my eyes and sometimes I didn’t even know what to say but thank you in my comments.

I still thank you. I’m thankful for you. Even though I am not the best updater or writer or commenter your warmth reaches me on a daily bases.

Thank you.

So my blog has taken me on quite a journey. I’m hoping to be a bit better about posting an maybe posting things that are more meaningful but you know we need to see abs every once in a while… right :D.

Personal goals

In the year where I almost took my life I finally started to reach out towards something I almost gave up on. My writing.

It has been a journey.

Sarah Scribbles

This comic from Sarah Scribbles really sums up my life with reaching my goal to be published.

In the year 2017 it was a fight to sit down and write word after word that I thought sucked. I had to force my butt into the chair and some days getting 100 words was an act of God.

I wanted to give up. I wanted to just sit and watch TV again. I wanted to drown myself in junk food and depression.

But I had small beams of light around me support from other writers, friends, family and online. In December 2016 I finished my first book.

There was no feeling like it in the world. “The writer who didn’t write.” That is what I called myself for the last 10 years and here I was looking at something I finished. Was it pretty… eh? Do I need to hire a good editor? YES. haha but it was done.

Now that I knew I could write a book in a year nothing was stopping me. I knew I could finish. So I wrote book two! I finished it in less than six months. I couldn’t believe it. I now had two urban fantasy books done.

For these first two books I hand wrote them both. Now that may seem a bit insane, but it helped me focus on getting the ugly words out without trying to stop and make everything perfect. So I wrote, scribbled but didn’t back down. Then when I typed them all out I would edit and revise.

Now for book three I thought I could get a lot more done if I didn’t hand write it. So I started this new YA fantasy (inspired by Japanese and Korean culture) and I typed it. I started it in September and even though I had two- three weeks of not writing I’m going to hit my midpoint at the end of this month.

I’m planning to finish the first draft by the end of November. Three months.

First book: one year

Second book: six month

Third book: 3-4 months

I included editing time but not beta read time.

I’m still querying and pitching my books to agents, but I’m also saving up money to self publish. If it all goes well be on the look out for three urban fantasy in 2020!!

Now it feels weird to look back on my journey of personal goals and dreams. Writing is now a part of my life. Something I always wanted but never achieved until now. It is just always there every night when I sit down to write 2,000 words.

It is something that is there, even though things in my life aren’t going great but having a goal… Life changing.

This really comes back to My Reasons Why. To your reasons why. When you have those goals those things that keep you going they make all the difference.

I hope you take the challenge to make them a part of your life. Never feel guilty for doing something you love and than brings you joy. This is how we take care of ourselves.

I hope I get to grow in the next year with you all. Thank you for putting up with my rambles and pictures of abs.

Thank you for being you and I believe in you. Always.

Happy Watching :).

Author: kimchisama

Anime for the soul.

34 thoughts on “A year with a bowl of Kimchi”

  1. It’s a great idea to take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments. Sometimes you don’t realize how much you’ve achieved until you do. Writing one book is something most aspiring writers never manage, so in writing three you should feel mighty proud. Also never apologies for the abs, having fun makes it all worth doing. Here’s to another year and another book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and we really never see how far we come. The day to day drama can tend to take over. thank you for your comment and now that I know I can write a book in around 3-4 months I have no excuses haha.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know! You all are almost stuck with me at this point haha!
      I’m not published yet, I still get the lovely form rejection letters. BUT I am saving to indie publish in 2020. So I hope I will get to share with you all more news in the years to come!
      Also your posts are always an inspiration. I’m so happy that I found your blog clicking through comments. Your humor your support over the last year have meant so much ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m with Irina on this one. Where can we find those books?

    Also, happy Kimchisama anniversary. I am impressed you finished writing 2 books that quickly. One of my favorite novels, Pachinko, by Min Jin Lee took her multiple years before she finished that one book. I’ll be rooting for you to finish that third book on time! Can’t wait to see what you accomplish a year from now too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! These books have lived in my head for a long time so I think when I finally got over myself and wrote them I almost knew where to go… Not that it was every easy to put down all the words but I knew the world for so long already.
      I’m still in the rejection phase of my life so they are not published yet. But I’m saving up to indie publish and it looks like the year 2020 I will have enough to hire and editor and cover artist and then I’m going to publish the first three books in my urban fantasy all together (or only a month apart).
      I’m happy to have met you on here!

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  3. I’m really glad to have met you on this wonderful community: I hope your blog will continue for many more years. Never, ever let someone make you feel bad about yourself again: because really people like that are just stupid, as I said back in the day!
    Seriously cool that you have written books two books already! I’m with Irina and Arsene: where can we find them 😊😊
    Happy blogging anniversary!!! 🎉🎉🎉😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and I’m so happy to have met you too! Your kind and thoughtful comments always are so amazing to find and I always try to think when I comment “What would Raistlin say?”
      I hope you will stay for many years also!
      Thank you and my books are still in the “getting rejection” phase from publishers and until I save enough money to indie publish they won’t be around until 2020. But I’m getting used to rejection at this point haha and I get to just file them away in a folder. Another way to see how far I have come :D.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Well: you are doing fine with those comments: and this is one to prove it: really thank you for the kind words 😊
        I definitely don’t plan on going away anytime soon. I might not be as active as I was during my holiday, but I don’t plan on quitting blogging any time soon 😊😊
        And as for your books. It will be only a matter of time until you will get that green light. You will see! Remember George Lucas? His first draft of Star Wars got rejected so many times until finally someone gave him a chance. And the rest is history 😊 That will happen to you as well. Trust me on that 😊😊

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  4. Yay! One awesome year! I’m so glad you are part of WordPressland, I can identify with many things that you mentioned and it makes my heart smile. Oh and yessss, we al need abs once in a while, hahahah!!! congratulations on your first year! Cheers for many more to come ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations and happy anniversary! You’ve found a good home in this community as the rest of the comments on this post will attest. And you’ve clearly done a great deal to be proud of, too! I also have several “books in me”, but have never quite managed to get them out to completion.

    Actually, that’s not quite true, for two years I did NaNoWriMo on my old personal blog and technically finished both of those projects… but there’s also a story I’ve had in my head since I was about 15 that I really want to get down on paper in a complete form one day.

    Still, with the amount of stuff I churn out each week on MoeGamer, I don’t feel I have anything to be ashamed about. I’ve had a number of people reach out privately and thank me for what I do, simply because I do something a bit different to your average gaming site, and that’s a lovely feeling.

    Keep up the great work, and we’re all looking forward to seeing a post like this again this time next year 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You do put so much work into your posts and videos and even though I don’t know half of the games I enjoy learning a bit even though I’m probably the biggest noob haha. It is amazing to see how many words we put out into our blogs and I hope you do get a chance to get your book down someday.
      Thank you and I hope so too! I’ve really enjoyed finding all these lovely nerds on here and honestly it is such an awesome way to connect.

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  6. Congrats on making it this far and hopefully you’ll stick around for much, much longer. Like some of the other commenters, I’d like to be able to take a look at these books of yours as well.

    When it comes to writing fiction of any sort, I have a really bad completion rate. Nevertheless, before I started the Spellbook I had a bit of a fiction-writing spree, so I guess you can have a link to one of the pieces I finished then: https://www.honeyfeed.fm/novels/63 …I’ve been wondering if I should go back to that old writing community since I had a lot of fun there, but lately I’ve been too much of a perfectionist when writing fiction (and I’m meant to be too occupied with Real Life Things to even be doing that in the first place).

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    1. Thank you, I totally understand wanting everything to be perfect. I’m a bit of a poor self editor so I’ve have pretty low confidence in polishing my work. I hope you get to go back to your community and I will bookmark that page and make sure to read it!
      I’m still trying to get traditionally published so I don’t have any of my works out yet. However I’m slowly saving to indie publish in the year 2020. I want to hire an editor and a cover artist that will really make my book character come to life so I am saving a bit to make that happen :D.

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  7. It’s been amazing to be here for your journey! CONGRATULATIONS!! By the way… I think we’re ALL a little bit weird (some of us more than others… 😂😂) I can’t wait to check out your book when it’s done… SO EXCITED!!! 🎉🎉🎊💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Congrats on a year with kimchisama! I love your Yona posts so much! They urged me to read Yona and it is one of my favorite series. So I would look forward to more character breakdowns from anime or manga! It’s so wonderful too to hear about your writing journey Mari! It sounds like you’ve had an amazing ride! i would love to be a reader for any of your books but especially the Japanese / Korean culture one. i can’t wait to see how your publishing journey goes, that will be so informative. Whether self publishing or traditional I’m sure you’ll get there with your lovely persistence! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so happy that you are reading Yona and that you are enjoying it! Yeah it hasn’t been an easy journey. It really something when you have to overcome your own barriers lol. I hope I will get the chance to send you an ARC :D.


  9. Congrats on reaching the one year mark on this blog. Not many sites manage to hit that milestone. The origins of your blog sound familiar. This isn’t the first site I have come across that started out as a school related assignment that outlasted its original goal.

    Wow, the pace at which you finish books is impressive. I can barely type out a five paragraph review, once a week, let alone write a book in a few months.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It took a long time to try and get a good writing schedule. I still have days were I can’t even write a sentence.
      I’m really hoping I get to the point where I can write 3-4 books a year but we’ll see! ha!

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  10. Yay! Happy (belated) First Blogiversary! 😀
    I’ve been on a blogging hiatus all through November, so I’m late to the party, but I am so happy for you with all of your writing accomplishments and goals. Your progress with your writing is very impressive! Here’s to another year (and even more to come!) of blogging and writing. ❤

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